Dopplex® Ability Automatic ABI System

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Automatic Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) System

The Dopplex Ability has revolutionised the ABI process and provides automatic, easy, fast and accurate measurements with an immediate printout of results from the integral printer or optional DR4 software package.

Requires minimal training and provides rapid bilateral ABI measurements in just 3 minutes. It’s portability enables measurements to be made more efficiently in the primary care clinic, hospital or patient’s home. This can lead to the prioritisation of clinical services by improving clinical pathways.

Dopplex Ability also records the ankle pulse volume waveforms which provides pictorial evidence to aid a clinician’s diagnosis; this is of particular value in patients who are prone to arterial calcification, such as diabetics.

Cost Saving, Time Saving and Improved Efficiencies

    • Rapid Measurements in 3 Minutes.

    • No Need to rest the Patient.

    • Can be used by Healthcare Support Staff.

    • Reduces Inappropriate Referrals.

    • Immediate Printouts.

    • Printouts and Archiving of Results with DR4 Software Package.

IGB compares the systolic pressure of the ankle to the brachial systolic pressure and is calculated by dividing the higher systolic blood pressure in the ankle by the higher of the two systolic blood pressures in the arms and is expressed as a ratio.

The automatic IGB system consists of a two-chamber cuff for each end. One chamber is used to close the vessel, while the second distal chamber perceives return signals. This allows the four limbs to be measured simultaneously.

The automatic IGB system calculates and interprets IGB in 3 minutes and without the patient having to rest. The results are calculated automatically and displayed with “Pulse Volume” waveforms on the LCD panel. The test results are printed using the printer integrated in the system.

IGB can sometimes be difficult to perform in the presence of severe edema, lymphedema, and painful or extensive ulcers. However, it can be used in these patients, but also in patients with unilateral amputation of the legs.

An IGB value between 0.91 and 1.30 is normal and indicates the absence of significant arterial disease; an IGB less than 0.91 indicates BAP and an IGB less than or equal to 0.40 indicates critical ischemia.

IGB can sometimes be difficult to perform in the presence of severe edema, lymphedema, and painful or extensive ulcers. However, it can be used in these patients, but also in patients with unilateral amputation of the legs.

An IGB value between 0.91 and 1.30 is normal and indicates the absence of significant arterial disease; an IGB less than 0.91 indicates BAP and an IGB less than or equal to 0.40 indicates critical ischemia.

IGB results greater than 1.30 can be read falsely positive due to calcified and uncompressed blood vessels; Calcified blood vessels are more common in patients with diabetes, kidney failure, and some older adults. Patients with an IGB greater than 1.30 should be further evaluated vascularly.

If the pressure in a chamber causes an occlusion that is insufficient to completely limit blood flow, a human diagram will appear on the screen with the pressures observed in all extremities except the extremity with the incompressible artery, and the IGB will not be noted for that part. If this happens, the patient should be further evaluated.

Dopplex Ability Advantage

Doppler Ability Huntleigh is considered the most powerful and versatile medical device used to automatically determine the arm ankle index with the following advantages:

1. Extremely easy to use and fully automatic.

2. There is no need to rest your patient for 15 minutes before the examination reducing the total test time.

3. Simultaneous bilateral IGB examination is performed quickly in a maximum of 3 minutes.

4. Efficiency in terms of financial costs.

5. There is no need to remove patients’ socks or stockings while maintaining patient comfort and dignity. The determination can also be performed in patients with open wounds (ulcers) due to the special non-adherent plastic cuffs in the kit.

6. Easy to apply and identify the 4 cuffs, each cuff having a connecting tube with a different color.

7. It is portable and is powered from the mains when it is recharged, being equipped with a battery (lithium ion battery) and weighing a maximum of 3 kg.

8. Printer integrated in the central unit for documenting results and waveforms, helping to diagnose correctly.

9. Instant backup for patient data and settlement to CNASS.

10. Automatic interpretation of the ankle-arm index included.

11. The results are reproducible and accurate, being clinically proven by recent studies.

The DR4 program

DR4 Software Package DR4 is a unique vascular reporting software package for use in conjunction with the Dopplex Ability, MD2 and MD200 Doppler units. It enables automated ABIs and Doppler vascular studies to be undertaken and saved in a patient database. It also provides full page documented hard-copy printouts and pdf file capability for interfacing to Electronic Patient Record Systems. It is easily installed and does not require any modification to your computer.

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